Date: 13 September 2009
Venue: East Coast Park
(Apologies, i have no idea how to use blogspot (hahahaha!) so here's the link)
Race details:
Race Activities, including schedule:
The main point is that we're asked (or invited) to help out during the race. Here's a rough idea on what we'll be doing.
We will be stationed at various stations to keep a look out for people in distress or struggling for help. For example, if you were to see a female struggling in the water, blow the whistle and a speed boat would go to the rescue. Its like watch-keeping. The race would start morning time bout six and the ending time wouldn't be later than 2pm, just in case. It all depends on how long the racers take to finish the triathlon.
Hmmm, so thank you for replying us and here's the name list of people!
Cheryl, Mi Yane, Jalyn, Sarah, Iswandy, Hector, Wirda, Joshua Chia, Ken, ryan chan, harun, bernadette cheung, si qi, benjamin tan, donavan, yeow dong, nyzam, faith, rizal, kelvin, sharon.
J already messaged you! Those who haven't given us your details, please do so asap. I mean it >:(
Confirmation on what time to meet would be told on a later date and please mark this event on your calender to keep in mind you have something on with us on 13th september. It would be a fun event and vouchers (maybe in a form of money$$) would be given to us for appreciation.
That's all for now, all the best for the exams
Ciao, lovelove~ ^^V