Monday, November 22, 2010


Hi all,

Nomination of the Club President for AY2011/2012

As the term for the current committee is ending soon. I would like to ask for all club members to submit a nomination for your next club President.

Who you nominate may or may not be the next President. However, it would help me in making the decision. So, do take this seriously, decide wisely and nominate someone based on their merits. Only current 1st and 2nd year members are eligible for nomination(and yea, you can nominate yourself).

Do email your replies to me at with the subject heading of "Nomination for club". This wont take too long, hence reply by 3 Dec 2010.

Include in your email:
- Your name
- The name of your nominee
- Reason for you choice

All replies will be confidential.

There will be interviews conducted before the selection is complete. After the President and Vice President is selected, they will choose their committee members.

Any questions or stuff you want to clarify, just drop me a text.
